Monday, June 19, 2006

To This Date

  • Spanish—6/19/6, Monday—I am in a Spanish 4 class on the quarter system, at DeAnza College. This is the rough equivalent of Spanish 3 on the semester system. The final is this Wednesday; Spanish 5 begins with the advent of July. Tonight we studied subjunctive clauses for the thousandth time, and heard presentations about Brazil and Salvador Dali, among other things.

  • Father's Day Soccer—6/18/6, Sunday— Pete and I took Dad to buy soccer gear. He was happy as a clam, with new cleats, shorts, a jersey and everything. It was fun, especially when he got to donn it all for the inter-church soccer game the same evening. Awesome.
  • The Buddhist Monk Look—6/14/6, Wednesday—In a coup over our steady office boringness, I convinced my coworker (and comrade in harmless office shenanigans) Christina to go with her urge to switch her naturally blonde hair to dark brunette. She, in turn, encouraged me to change my look. Well, I HAD been thinking of shaving my head. I have thought about it for some time, but I particularly feel lately that I have no one to impress, so off it went. I now shave my head with a razor daily. Tanning is slow.

  • My First Full Sermon—6/11/6, Sunday—The topic: I was assigned Acts 18:1-11, to continue our church's Acts series. I spoke about Paul's retail job, and waiting for God, waiting for direction. I incorporated a section of Lamentations 3, talking about waiting for lovingkindness, hope, and purpose. If you want a copy just ask.

  • Major League Ballpark—6/8/6, Thursday—My birthday, but we observed Dad's, which had been 5/30, by redeeming his birthday present: Giants baseball tickets. Los Gigantes won, which was nice. After a lifetime rooting for this team, this was the first game I ever had the opportunity to attend. There are a lot of attractive girls at baseball games. Most of them seem to be suffering from a lack of substance, or something. Boring, pretty girls.
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