Saturday 3/15/08 I spent the whole day at the tournament again, judging and spending time with the Winthers and fellow Clash alums such as my beloved ol' debate partner JP Rose and his girl, and other rascals including Joe Rose, Michael Majchrowicz, Kendra, Noela, Sammy Franusic, Thane Rehn and Joe Sheffield. Little Bob Rose isn't so small anymore; he got 3rd place speaker in the tourney, and was one vote away from qualifying for nationals. Went to the Duke for a drink and a bite before getting a crazy call from Hilary then heading home, tired out, around 1:30 a.m.
Sunday 3/16/08 was boring. Got to church late-ish, didn't socialize much after. Went to Starbucks because I needed some alone time with God, but saw Katie I. there, which resulted in one of those long catching-up conversations. Still managed to have a good quiet time but I didn't get much done in the evening.
Monday 3/17/08 I worked all day. Productive day. Also payday. In the bank parking lot, an Italian man tried to get me to buy 4 Gucci leather jackets for the price of one at half-off. Luckily I am not stupid and I just ignored him. I went to Rasputin because I couldn't find this album anywhere online:
I also thumbed through the bargain bins (50c - $2.95) and came up with some pretty good stuff. I always have to choose. Either way, I definitely checked some things off my want list without dropping much coin.

Went home, Brian came over but left again right away. Never got around to St. Patrick's day celebrations. Started trying to finish my homework quickly, but Peter came home with some kind of major abdominal pain and asked me to take him to the ER. He was in a pretty bad way but within a couple hours he had gotten better and the docs didn't find anything in the blood-work or ultrasound imaging. Got a late fast-food dinner with Trent. Talked for a while. Went home and crashed.
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