Friday, September 01, 2006

Involuntary Physical Rejection, & Click, Click, Click

Yesterday, I cleaned the scab that has become a part of me, my own little embarrassment on the end of my finger. Turns out there really is still a fragment of something left over from my surgery in there. If you ever are directed to Rodney Z. Wong, M.D. (D.O.?) do not go to him. He just shrugs his shoulders at me and charges me money to inspect his mess. Regardless, the little piece of something has finally shown itself, and I hope to be rid of it soon.

Nothing is going on, but I am so busy. John Lennox preached last night, on the first part of Revelations, though not exegetically at all. Nice thing, he appeals directly to the logic of the mind. He's a mathematician championing a spiritual truth, and it is refreshing. No I'm not sharing anymore than that. This is an event log.

Tonight is eventful, tomorrow is planned solid, and the weeks following full. You know the feeling of a slowly climbing rollercoaster, that never seems to get to the top? The feeling when it finally gets there, and pauses, is the story of my life this Friday afternoon. I'll wave goodbye to the summer of the dreams, because by the time I surface for air again, it'll be a fond memory.

1 comment:

M. Hunsberger said...

Hey man, I had no idea you even had a blog until you posted to mine. Sorry about forgetting those other two credits ... I mean, roommates shouldn't forget how insane the other was :-D

It's good to hear you're alive.